Ultimate Asset Bundle

Get all of our currently available and upcoming assets at once with this awesome bundle and save up to 50% compared to buying single. Our useful editor tools help you to improve your workflow and create your games faster, while our game templates help you getting started to develop for mobile. Create state machines to control your UI , the flow of the game or your game characters. Improve your Editor workflow with Scriptable Templates and faster iterate through your UI color scheme with Color Control. Do you want to create your own hyper casual mobile game? We've got you covered with our awesome game templates! Best of all: All of our assets come with complete source code, so you can adjust the projects as you wish or simply take a look at how we have got things done! ⭐️ Included Assets • Script Templates Are you tired of rewriting all that MonoBehaviour script stuff right away after creating a new script? Create your scripts faster than ever and define your own custom templates instead! Need a Scriptable Object? Create it right away! Want to write a normal C# class? Do it without the boilerplate included! • Visual State Machine With Visual State Machine you can create State Machines for every Game Object you want, directly in the Editor! Do you want to control the flow of your UI or need to implement different state conditions for your player or the enemies? Visual State Machine helps you out! Boost your progress and accelerate your workflow! • Volume Control Adding music and soundeffects to your game always requires some coding to set up a system to control, expose and save the volume settings of your application. Volume Control has been designed to set up these things for you right away, giving you more time to focus on the most important - making great games! • Color Control Designing a great user interface can be a demanding task. Especially if you want to change the color of your UI, it can take a lot of time to adjust all elements. Color Control helps you out! Define your project colors as assets visually in the inspector. Color Control provides components to you, which automatically update your UI elements when you edit them. • Startup Manager Startup Manager provides to you an easy way to setup and initialize your persistent game systems at application startup. ⭐️ Included Game Templates • Connect Connect in 20 moves as many bubbles of the same color as possible. The larger the chain, the higher is the score revenue. • Bubble Pop Select groups of two or more bubbles and pop them to increase your score. The more bubbles you can destroy at once the higher is the more points you earn. • Downhill Ride Downhill Ride is simple but challeging game, ready to be extended by you and to be made your own! • Merge Dice Connect and merge dices with the same pair of eyes to create new dices - can you get "six"? • Hex Merge hexagonal number tiles in this addictive mobile game inspired by 2048. ⭐️ Future Assets Included All new assets that we release in the future will become a part of this bundle and will be available to you without any additional cost. ❔ How it Works After buying this bundle you will automatically get a 100% discount on all included assets and being able to obtain and download them without any additional cost.

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