Writing Custom State Behaviours

One of the most powerful components coming with Visual State Machine is the StateBehaviour class. It allows you to easily implement the State Design Pattern and create custom MonoBehaviours for your different states. This can for example be used to implement state behaviours for AI characters, game states or UI menus.

using Ilumisoft.VisualStateMachine;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Derive from StateBehaviour to execute custom logic when a state is executed.
/// </summary>
public class MenuStateBehaviourExample : StateBehaviour
    /// <summary>
    /// The id of the state the behviour should act on
    /// </summary>
    public override string StateID => "Menu";

    protected override void OnEnterState()
        // Execute something when the state is entered
        Debug.Log($"On Enter State: '{StateID}'");

    protected override void OnExitState()
        // Execute something when the state is exited
        Debug.Log($"On Exit State: '{StateID}'");

    protected override void OnUpdateState()
        // Execute something when the state is updated...

To use a custom State Behaviour script, simply add it to a Game Object and assign the State Machine it should be executed on.

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